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It takes an athlete to dance, but an artist to be a dancer.

Tuition & Fees

Monthly Tuition

1 class- $72
2 classes- $132
3 classes- $182
4 classes- $232
5 classes- $282
6 classes- $327
7 classes- $370
8 classes- $415
9 classes- $460
10 classes- $500

Monthly Tuition 6 and Under

1 class- $68
2 classes- $120
3 classes- $175

Registration Fee

$30 Individual
$50 Family

Recital Fee


additional siblings $80 each

includes two tickets to the Recital, T-Shirt and video

Costume Fees

Ages 6 & Under

starting at $68/ costume

Ages 7+

starting at $75/ costume



Regular In-person Instruction is charged in 10 payments installments for the year, for your convenience.

September & June payments due upon registration, along with registration fee (no exceptions, no refunds)

Each year we hold a Recital to celebrate the hard work of all our dancers. Each dance class a student is in, will require a costume unless designated as a non-performing class upon registration. Attendance at the dress rehearsal and recital are mandatory.

Snow Policy

As a guideline, if the Metuchen/ Edison school system is closed or has early dismissal, we will be closed. Occasionally we must overrule them if conditions are dangerous near the studio. We will send out an e-mail announcing any weather closings to anyone who provides an e-mail address, and it will also be posted on our Facebook page and on Instagram

Withdrawal Policy

If you wish to be withdrawn from your class or classes, please let the studio owner or office manager know. Your withdraw statement must be in writing. Please be aware that if you withdraw, no refunds will be given.


Payments for all classes are due by the 1st of the month. Payments will be considered late after the 10th of the month, thereafter there will be a $15.00 late fee applied to outstanding accounts. There will be a $25 fee for all returned checks. Tuition installments are the same every month regardless of the number of weeks in the month. A student will not be allowed into class if tuition is more than one month overdue unless prior arrangements have been made with Ms. Doreen. Payment is based on a yearly fee and for your convenience broken into monthly installments. PRO-RATING your tuition under any conditions will not be accepted. No refund is given for sickness, absences, holidays or snow days. If a student is absent due to illness, the class may be made up within a one-month time frame. For extended medical absences, a doctor's note is required for pro-rate and returning to class.

Full year payment will receive a 5% discount

Half year payments will receive a 2% discount

Payment methods



Credit (3% fee)

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